Brand & Experience Design Studio

Customer Experience

Create journeys and destinations
that are tailored to your customers

Through research, we can understand the profile of your existing and desired customers.

Creating a unique Customer Experience, that is tailored to them, is a crucial next step — both online and in the real world.


A crucial dimension

The Experience that your Customers have, when interacting with your brand, is a fundamental element that defines the perception of your offering within the marketplace.

Your visual identity (logo, patterns etc…) and tone of voice form significant components within your Customer’s Experience, but a higher level understanding of your Customer’s journey is key.


Customer Journeys

Working with our clients, we seek to uncover each of the steps their customer’s take, when interacting with their brand.

Our unique mapping process provides a digestible visualisation of the steps each of the key Customer Profile’s take.


Customer Profiles

Depending on the size of your business, and the scale of your efforts, the number of key Customer Profile’s we work with will vary.

They will be defined by universally recognised traits, and will allow us to interrogate each of your brand touch points in a meaningful way.


The Results

A successful process will provide you with a clear outline of how well your Customer Experience delivers against objectives, and which elements may need to be worked on in order to deliver better results.

For new businesses, that don’t have an existing Customer Experience to review, the outcome will be a key list of assets you require in order to deliver against a clear framework of necessary Customer touch points.
